16, février,2025

RASA_AROA in France Culture « Africa does not ask for charity and deserves to be...

"African intellectuals and economists have also reminded us that the continent is not asking for charity and deserves to be treated as...

« The AROA N°1 is about sovereignty in Africa You are invited to its launch,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw2riUUJv6k Dr SY is the Managing Director of “Chérif Salif SY/International Consulting Services”, headquartered in Dakar. C2S/ICS...

Official launch of the Alternative Report on Africa (AROA), on Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Every year, more than fifty reports dealing with Africa and Africans are produced and disseminated, most often by non-Africans or by experts...

Official Launch of the Africa Alternatives Report (AAR) Issue One, Tuesday, May 25, 2021

( Listen the call for action from Dr. Cheikh Gueye below: vidéo) Every year, more than fifty reports dealing...

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A NEW GROWTH STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS, Dani Rodrik and Joseph E. Stiglitz1 January...

Not so long ago, the development community was brimming with optimism on the developing world’s economic prospects. Economic growth was up, extreme poverty sharply...

Securing Africa’s Future Takes More Than Growth It Takes Transformation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFj5LUbpWHY Source: www.acetforafrica.org Read the full report of the AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION INDEX 2023 Tracking Africa’s economic successes and setbacks : ATI2023_Full-Report_v4 2 The African Center for Economic Transformation...

How IMF became Guardian of Modern Imperial World Order, Prabhat Patnaik

  The outlook behind the Bretton Woods system, along with which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were born, was to facilitate...