14, septembre,2024

« When we take Africa as an object of study, it is not at all...

*Professor Abdoulaye SAKHO, Associate Professor of Law, Founding Director of the Master's Degree in Sports Law and Economics EDGE/CRES Institute. Dakar.

« The Macron doctrine in Africa: a budgetary time bomb », By Daniela Gabor and Ndongo...

24 December 2020 This article is also available in English on the Geopolitical Studies Group website.

The Austerity Doctrine in the Time of Coronavirus – La doctrine de l’austérité à...

Pour le troisième épisode de Let's Talk It Over, Naomi Klein, Stephanie Kelton, Yanis Varoufakis, Brian Eno et Frank Barat discutent de...

Should Africa rush to order 750 million vaccines? (By Amy Sarr Fall)

The unpredictability of the coronavirus and the exponential increase in cases make any criticism unproductive, since the time has come for solidarity....

« Irregular Emigration: Empiricism and voluntarism won’t help; Reacting without studying the problems won’t get...

Inevitably, this is the most reasonable thing I've heard since the recent news of the departures in pirogues to Europe! When a...

How to Achieve the AFRICA SOVEREIGNTY | Prof. Mutambara

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti.

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