11, octobre,2024

How to Achieve the AFRICA SOVEREIGNTY | Prof. Mutambara (VIDEO)

20th April 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j6x8y2VhZg

Dr. Bakary Sambe: « Europe and our African leaders must review these dramatic agreements

"Some time ago, while listening to these desperate young people in a camp in Agadez, I was distressed by the stories of...

Pan-Africanism and African Development: Kwame Nkrumah’s speech

As a tribute to this great man, please find below the full text of his memorable and prophetic speech delivered on 24...

Abdoulaye Wade: « Perspectives and challenges for Africa at the dawn of the 21st century

"Perspectives and challenges for Africa at the dawn of the 21st century" Dialogue with the President of the Republic of Senegal. Debate...

Political principles and philosophical thought or the therapeutic virtue of the teaching of Cheikh...

Political principles and philosophical thought or the therapeutic virtue of the teaching of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr Ndongo MBAYE

« From the CFA franc to the eco: a brief history of a controversial currency »,...

Créée en 1975, la Cédéao regroupe aujourd’hui quinze pays totalisant 300 millions d’habitants, dont 180 pour le seul Nigeria, poids lourd de la...

« The new challenges of regional planning: in search of relevant territories for development », Amadou...

The concept of spatial planning is becoming increasingly important in state and development agency policies and in academic work. Many studies have...

IPAR: Dissemination of sound postcards on African migrations

https://fb.watch/4Vj2tnczG2/ Dissemination of sound postcards on African migration produced by LMI Movida and IPAR in collaboration with the Epoukaye...

« Africa must reinvent itself on the basis of a new sovereignty », Dr Cheikh GUEYE...

ITERVIEW - The plea of Cheikh Gueye, co-author of the Alternative Report on Africa, to rethink development and link it to...

Les Ateliers de la pensée: « The emancipation of Africa requires new ideas

For their second edition, organised from Wednesday 1 November to Saturday 4 November in Dakar, Senegal, the Ateliers de la pensée are...

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A NEW GROWTH STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS, Dani Rodrik and Joseph E. Stiglitz1 January...

Not so long ago, the development community was brimming with optimism on the developing world’s economic prospects. Economic growth was up, extreme poverty sharply...

Securing Africa’s Future Takes More Than Growth It Takes Transformation.

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How IMF became Guardian of Modern Imperial World Order, Prabhat Patnaik

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