Globalisation in the age of Covid-19: Africa and its challenges
*By Omar Thiam
Most African countries face many challenges in improving the health of the population during the Covid-19...
World Social Forum 2021: « What is at stake in relation to the global situation?...
IPAM, 7 January 2021
The stakes of the World Social Forum 2021 are considerable. In a profoundly contradictory world...
Development and socialism in Samir Amin: a southern perspective (by Abdellatif Zeroual )
15 December 2020
A Communist at an early age, Samir Amin maintained an organic link between his political commitment...
« The neoliberal discourse and happy globalization », Alioune SALL *
*Executive Director of the African Futures Institute, Senegal
« The Kingdom of Morocco can create emulation among African countries », Moubarack Lo*.
En dépit de nombreux défis, le Maroc peut toujours s'appuyer sur un ensemble de constances afin de compter parmi les leaders africains de la marche vers l'émergence d'une Afrique en quête de modèle, de leadership économique. Moubarack Lo, économiste et directeur général du Bureau de prospective économique (BPE) du Sénégal, nous décortique les soubassements de ce modèle économique et son encrage africain.
« Money, outrages and challenges », by Ndongo Samba Sylla
Ndongo Samba Sylla is one of the most prominent African intellectuals today. The Senegalese economist, 4 times world scrabble champion, has distinguished...
« Supporters of the climate agreement reached at the Paris polluters’ conference approve a plan...
Paris witnessed both the explicit terrorism of religious extremists on November 13 and, a month later, the implicit terrorism of carbon addicts...
« Europe desperately », by Félix ATCHADÉ
How many are there? 400, 500, 800? Associations such as Alarm Phone have reported that in one week, at the end of...
Samir AMIN : Intellectual itinerary of a social thinker of emancipation – By Pr....
Etude sur l'oeuvre scientifique et politique du regretté Professeur Samir Amin, parue dans le livre collectif reprenant les actes de la rencontre, en hommage à l'économiste du Sud, organisée, en novembre 2018, par la revue marocaine de sciences politiques et sociales. Le livre est publié par la même revue, série colloques et tables rondes, juillet 2020.
ECOWAS has not yet succeeded in freeing itself from the institutional clutches, bureaucracy and...
The Founding Treaty, the Revised Treaty as well as the various ECOWAS protocols, regulations, directives, etc., voluntarily adopted and signed by the...