16, février,2025

Scientific publishing: The need for high quality African journals, By Dr. Cheikh SOKHNA*

After the adage "Publish or Perish", the evaluation of scientific research through publication has become one of the foundations of the validation of scientific...

Dear researchers, thinkers, research institutions, think tanks, actors, development professionals, I am sending you the TERMS OF REFERENCE of the NUMBER 2 of the ALTERNATIVE...

Prolegomena to a new African geopolitics

It is for me the end of a week of awareness raising which has been very intense and rich in media activity. After my participation...

Heading for Africa

Looking forward to sharing this edition of a flagship program of AL24 NEWS an Algerian television to which Dr. Papa Demba Thiam was one...

Accountability, By Dr Papa Demba THIAM

It's well written! Jupiter drives those he wants to lose mad, precisely to push them to do the stupid things that will finally make...

By Dr Cheikh GUEYE: Open letter to President Macky SALL, President of the African...

Your Excellency, Mr. President, The initiators of the Alternative Report on Africa (RASA) present you with their deferential tributes and congratulate you on your accession...

Dakar, a workshop of thought, by Hamidou ANNE

The magic of Les Ateliers also lies in its capacity to decompartmentalize knowledge, forms and artistic and intellectual practices. It is one of the...

Dr Cheikh GUEYE presents the UN report of RASA, A Seneplus publication

The Report on Africa (RASA) aims at the ideological and epistemological reversal of analyses on the continent, the deepening and diversification of...

Fixing Africa once and for all: From 53 lagging countries to 4 Super States...

By Tidjani "Jeff" TALL The purpose of this book is to spread the ideas it supports virally. Thismeans limiting...

AfCFTA: The continent’s digital and cyber defence infrastructure remains insufficient for successful regional economic...

By Franck Kié, cyber security consultant, President of the CIberObs association and member of the Africa Club of the Economic Warfare School...

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A NEW GROWTH STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS, Dani Rodrik and Joseph E. Stiglitz1 January...

Not so long ago, the development community was brimming with optimism on the developing world’s economic prospects. Economic growth was up, extreme poverty sharply...

Securing Africa’s Future Takes More Than Growth It Takes Transformation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFj5LUbpWHY Source: www.acetforafrica.org Read the full report of the AFRICAN TRANSFORMATION INDEX 2023 Tracking Africa’s economic successes and setbacks : ATI2023_Full-Report_v4 2 The African Center for Economic Transformation...

How IMF became Guardian of Modern Imperial World Order, Prabhat Patnaik

  The outlook behind the Bretton Woods system, along with which the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were born, was to facilitate...