Accountability, By Dr Papa Demba THIAM


It’s well written! Jupiter drives those he wants to lose mad, precisely to push them to do the stupid things that will finally make them atone for their sins, at the very moment when they feel out of reach, by very openly assuming all their arrogance!

This explains the sequences of aberrant, incoherent, stupid and incongruous acts, on the part of mediocre officials, who are nevertheless reputed to be skilful even in forfeiture, upon their accession to power.

After their installation in power, it is as if they were made to wear special glasses that make it only they who do not see the precipices on the edge of which they continue to dance, with carelessness and arrogance.

This confirms that, paradoxically, the best way to mature the implosion of iniquitous, unjust, predatory, oppressive and repressive political systems is to let mediocre people install themselves at their heads and to let them secrete the seeds of the destruction of the same system that chose them.

We have seen this phenomenon with Covid-19 and the Ukrainian crisis. Erratic monetary policy in the face of inflation will create more problems.

In such a system, those who rule in environments that lack a democratic culture generally have no other options than the choice of their means of repression.

Because their instinct to preserve undue, abnormal and originally unexpected advantages always pushes them to carry out sequences of acts and economic crimes, even bloodshed, which are always more serious, frustrating and revolting.

And it will be so until the moment when they perform this act of excess which will cause all the elements to be unleashed against them to overthrow them. This is what the history of humanity teaches us.