History of a reconquest: Decoding the Françafrique summit in Montpellier


Contempt, perfidy, cynicism: Beyond the useless entertainment and buzz, Montpellier is above all a promise of reconquest by an aggressive and reorganised Françafrique. Insights from Nathalie Yamb, the lady from Sochi.



In front of African youth, Macron displayed an apparent desire to improve relations between France and Africa. But in the end, it’s something else. The activist Nathalie Yamb goes through the French president’s speech with a fine-tooth comb.
Claiming to want to improve the relationship between France and Africa, Emmanuel Macron spoke to African youth and civil society in the coded language of Françafrique. French President Emmanuel Macron was in front of African youth as part of the Africa-France summit. At this meeting, which was held from 7 to 9 October in Montpelier, the host president took on the task of answering the many questions posed by the young African nugget.

In these answers, the idea and essence of French neo-colonialism in Africa were subtly slipped in. Africa is still under French influence. But not everyone is fooled, and some informed people can read between the lines. This is the case of pan-Africanist activist Nathalie Yamb. In her weekly column, she goes through Emmanuel Macron’s remarks with a fine-tooth comb. Follow her decryption in this video.

Source: Senenews