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« The Kingdom of Morocco can create emulation among African countries », Moubarack...
En dépit de nombreux défis, le Maroc peut toujours s'appuyer sur un ensemble de constances afin de compter parmi les leaders africains de la marche vers l'émergence d'une Afrique en quête de modèle, de leadership économique. Moubarack Lo, économiste et directeur général du Bureau de prospective économique (BPE) du Sénégal, nous décortique les soubassements de ce modèle économique et son encrage africain.
Gilles Yabi: « We must not despair of ECOWAS
of the post-election crisis in Côte d'Ivoire,The BBC Africa-Africa Radio Debate, 52 minutes to understand Africa and its changes, seen from here...
Follow the news of the Collective for African Renewal (CORA)
Meet the Collective for the Renewal of Africa (CORA), the Pan-African Collective seeking to restore Africa’s...
Listen to Nathalie YAMB’s speech at the #RussiaAfrica economic summit/forum in Sochi
Closing Remarks of the Side event on Addressing Illicit Financial Flows in the Extractive...
Red gold: a history of palm oil in West Africa
Palm oil is one of the 21st century’s most contentious agricultural commodities, but its relationship with humans goes back thousands of years. Pauline von...
To take off, African luxury must choose a local positioning
Despite its many assets, the luxury sector is struggling to take off on the continent. However, some great success stories prove that all is...
Les Héroïnes Dakar: the commitment of companies to female leadership
A look back at the first edition of the forum Les Héroïnes Dakar: the new event dedicated to women's leadership organized by...
HISTORY: A book to bring slavery out of the margins of history September 11,...
Illustration: Jeune Afrique
With "Worlds of Slavery," some 50 scholars document the diversity of slavery from prehistory to the...
Official launch of the Forum for African Unity: Nahawa Doumbia appointed Ambassador of Pan-Africanism
It was at the Tour de l'Afrique monument on Saturday April 10, 2021.
Mohamed Bamba, president of the Patriotic...
« Let’s pay tribute to Mamoussé Diagne: Call to intellectuals and men of culture », Pape...
Comment comprendre que des intellectuels comme Pathé Diagne, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Souleymane Niang, Mary Teuw Niane, Souleymane Mboup, pour ne citer que ceux-là, ne soient pas célébrés dans ce pays ?
SAVE THE DATE, DAY 3 2nd Edition of UPEC: Launch press...
Université Populaire de l'Engagement Citoyen (UPEC), the annual meeting of African citizen movements.